Well who would have thought I would have made it here. I knew it was going to be a challenge, and it was a challenge. The challenge started as a 365 post challenge however changing circumstances meant that I changed the challenge to 100 consecutive days of posts.
I have to say my writing may have improved slightly but what improved dramatically was the speed at which I was able to finish an article. Once you get passed those initial barriers the writing just flows.
The important things I learned it what I needed to take into my next blog which has a changed focus. It will be quality over quantity. When you are writing a post every single day, the research, images required and formatting is very limited. You just don’t have enough time to get everything looking perfect.
So you write the post and put it out there.
The processes are important as well and knowing what you are capable of. Knowing your limitations and what you can achieve in a certain amount of time will save a lot of frustration and stress because you know how to not over committing yourself.
Where does this blog go to from here?
First of all is the big task of going through all the post and actually formatting them and making them more search engine friendly to drive some more organic traffic to the post.
Not only will I make them more search engine friendly but many of the posts how they stand at the moment they are not easily consumed and I want to make the content very scannable for people wanting to find a specific piece of information quickly and hold readers attention for longer.
If I have learned anything else from this experience it is just go for it. Don’t hold back. I mean look at this blog currently, the design is horrible the posts are format but it gets the job done and there is always time to improve the other aspects of the blog.
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy days to read some of the blog posts and I hope some of them have inspired you or helped you to look at something from a different perspective.
This is by no means the end of the blog I will continue to post on here frequently just not every day as other website projects are now taking priority.
Keep continuing to learn, improve and never settle for anything less than what you want.
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