The more your priorities align with the people who you surround yourself with the better I seem to get along with those people. Tonight I was frustrated by the blatant disrespect shown at a family gathering. Regardless of the occasion you do not leave your family waiting for you at a dinner table to take a bloody phone call unless it is life or death. It is just straight up arrogance and selfish.
It got me thinking about other aspects of my life where my priorities are either completely aligned with someone elses or whether they are completely opposite.
For example if someones priorities are to excel at everything they do and get the best out of themselves I tend to relate to a lot of the morals and motivation is infectious. Compare that to someone who hasn’t had any ambition in ages and is happy to just coast through life, while I enjoy being around these people in small doses I their frame of mind tends to also rub off on you after a while as well.
If you want help achieving what you want to achieve the quickest way to do it is to surround yourself with people that want to achieve the same thing. But not just ‘want’ to achieve it but are actively doing something about reaching that goal.
There is a huge difference and when I say huge I mean freaking enormous difference between someone who wants to do something and someone who actually goes out and does it. It is like comparing black and white, night and day. These are two separate breeds of people. It is so simple there are those that do, and those that don’t.
While you are sitting there reading this you might be asking yourself what category you fall into. Maybe you are sitting in the middle of both you get some things done but not all of them. I am here to tell you that from what I have seen from business minds I really look up to it was pretty clear that they learnt and they learnt quickly. They learnt quickly by doing! They made mistakes and were better for it. There was no in-betweens, no maybes, no nothing but setting a goal and going out and getting it done.
I want to be one of those people but I know I am not quite there yet. I don’t understand enough about my habits and why I resort to them or stop those habits after a certain amount of months. My goal is to find that productive hot spot and utilise it. I know I am on the right track and I have seen the workhorse I want to become I know what I am capable of from the experiences of going all in I have spoken about in the past.
Make a decision of what you want your life to be and make a decision to do the work it takes to get there or just live the mediocre life that everyone else has accepted for themselves.
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