Today I had a reality call when I flicked to the oldies radio station and heard one of my favourite songs by The Fray. What is this song doing on this station? Was I really getting that old?
After enjoying the song I swapped back to a more modern station and realised I was still enjoying what was current but also enjoyed songs that have passed.
One thing that I always thought about was why do older people struggle so much with computers? I mean they have the most knowledge of all of us but are the slowest adapters of anything new. They are comfortable in their old ways.
Really they should have been the best at new technologies and not afraid to embrace change. I never want to be so stuck in my old way that I miss the chance to learn something that is changing the world.
I look at apps like Snapchat. A lot of my friends canned the app saying it was a seedy app for teenagers to send nude photos to each other. People like that are so narrow minded. The find a product, look for any potential negatives of those products and then use those perceived negatives as a reason not to embrace it.
While they were making excuses as to why they would never use the app I was keeping up with friends from all over the world as they took amazing travel photos from where they were at that very moment and then it evolved into video and a way to quickly communicate and share some funny moments with friends.
It’s now that business have started to jump on the app a lot of my friends are on there playing catch up and I think to myself… well there is the idiot that denied an early opportunity because of their own perceived negatives.
The people that are sheep try to avoid them, they never have anything to offer, never have any of their own ideas and will follow the crowd which ever direction that crowd is heading. They are pathetic.
Surround yourself with people that take chances and like to learn new things. That will challenge you in all aspects of life and help you to see things from a different perspective. These people are hard to find but once you do hold on to them.
I don’t want you to keep up with the trends, I want you to be a part of the trend before it was a trend!
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