In our jobs we all have aspects of that job that we love and would love to do more of but majority of the time it is the tedious annoying tasks that we don’t want to do that we get tied up with.
The secret is to find the parts of your job you love doing that you are good at and that you could see yourself doing more often and become a guru at that particular aspect of your job. Take the down time to learn as much as you can about that particular area and take the necessary steps to start becoming an expert in that field.
The way you can create a job you love is by becoming the best at one particular aspect of your working life, whether it be design, paid advertising, video campaigns, management systems. Whatever it is, if you are good at it and you can provide a product or service that will save a business money or make a business money then you are a valuable resource.
The scary aspect of this is breaking off and being able to do the things you want to do. You need to be able to get some clients or people willing to buy your service to be able to support yourself in the same way that your job is providing for you.
The biggest difference is your happiness levels. Cutting the things out that you don’t want to be doing and focusing on the thing you do. It comes back to you making the decisions of what you want out of your work life, your personal life and finding a way to make it happen.
Find the things you love doing in life and find a way to make it happen more often.
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