As little or as big as a decision we make might be, every single decision plays a pivotal point on the road we take and the result of the outcome are a direct reflection of those decisions.
I recently heard a quote that I love, “where you are now, is exactly where you deserve to be”.
It is completely true. If you aren’t where you want to be at the moment, it is a direct result of you not making the sacrifices and going all in and taking a chance on your goal.
Your priorities at the time which directed what got done is channelled by the decisions to made to prioritize what was important to you at the time.
Let’s take a look at 3 decisions I have made and the outcomes of those decisions
1. The Decision To Enter The Acer Team Unlimited Competition
I had 30 minutes left to resubmit my entry after I realised the first entry would have been ineligible due to the length of the video going over 1 minute.
That decisions, 30 minutes of action changed my whole life. In fact I would go as far as calling it a milestone because nearly everything that is happening and has happened in my life in the last 3 years was a direct result of that one decision and taking that opportunity
Not only did I pay off all my debt, I was able to travel, meet some amazing people, work with children in US Summer Camps for 6 months and come back home and completely change my career to a marketing field which I have fallen in love with and it is a little all to consuming at times.
2. The Decision To Go To My Summer Camp Reunion
I had completely written off going back to America for the Summer Camp 100 year reunion. But I was under high amounts of stress at work and I was hitting a low point and I got to the stage where I started to no care about much.
That’s when it struck me, at the point that I was feeling my lowest I thought I am feeling this way as a direct result of my own decisions. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault but my own and I was more than willing to wear that and do something about it.
I only had a week of annual leave left but I wasn’t taking a 16 hour flight there and back to spend 1 week in the States.
I got provisional permission to take the trip around the time period. I went home and booked my flights that weekend and I was due to fly out in 3 weeks. Straight away I felt the world lift of my shoulders because I could see and end point to the way I was feeling at the time. I knew there and then that I had made the right decision by following my gut.
I was willing to deal with absolutely any consequences of booking a holiday much longer that I had leave for but again at that time I was very much in a mind frame that I need to do something to get out of this funk and I don’t care what the consequences are.
I weighed up the consequences and the absolutely worst case scenario would have been that I got let go for extended leave but I was 99.99% sure that wasn’t going to happen so I was willing to take that risk.
I look back on that decision now with no regrets what so ever. In fact those 3 weeks I spent in the States were the most enjoyable 3 weeks of my whole year. I felt like I was back where I belonged. A place where the options are limitless.
3. Going Out On The Weekend
This decision is a little more light hearted than the other two decisions but none the less it still has consequences.
This weekend I went out to celebrate a friends birthday and the celebratory drinks were flowing. I didn’t feel too great at all the following day and I had to play basketball that night.
It was fair to say that most of the teams performance was effected as a direct result of our celebrations the night before.
I want to take this example a little further because the majority of us have woken up a little worse for wear after a big night out.
What if we apply this to achieving our goals. If we want to be successful we need our mind and body to be at their physical peaks. This means changing your diet, exercising and giving yourself the best opportunity to succeed. This is a decision you have full control over and yet one that comes with the most excuses for why its not possible.
I don’t have time to cook meals, I don’t have time to get to the gym I could go on and on with excuses that I have heard related to these two aspects.
Again it comes down to you are exactly where you deserve to be.
Looking at this article, I want you to take out of it two main things. Your decisions will decide where you end up and secondly is to take advantage of your opportunities regardless of the consequences.
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