I’ve had a change of heart over the year long blogging challenge. Why? Is it too hard? No not at all and I have learnt a lot along the way. My issue currently is I have got out of it what I wanted to get out of it. I have committed to a regular writing […]
800 Words Ep 2
Episode 2 really reminds us that we can only run from the truth for so long. As much as we try to escape from realities we don’t want to confront they always find a way to come back around and re-enter our lives.“Since the beginning of time man has needed a retreat, a refuge, a […]
Limitless – Does NZT Exist?
Limitless, I have seen the movie and now the TV series has started. I binge watched the first 3 episodes and it is a fascinating concept.A drug known as NZT has the capabilities to enable us to use 100% of our brain cells at any one time.Common beliefs are that we only ever use 10% […]
800 Words Ep 1
An introduction to 800 words, the newest Australian drama starring Erik Thomson who you may remember from one of Australia’s most well-known dramas Packed To The Rafters.Erik who plays the role of George Turner is a recently single Dad after his wife died. He decides to pick up everything and take a chance moving himself […]
Summer Is Around The Corner
There is something about a sunny day that just makes everything better. Life moves into hyper drive when those clear blue skies come out to play.I found something interesting the other day. Looking at all the domain names I had registered the majority of them were registered in the Summer months or 1 or 2 […]
Brownlow Medal Count
Brownlow NightFor those of you that don’t know the Brownlow medal is the season MVP award of the Australian Football League.Brownlow Night is a night in the lead up I spend a few hours analysing stats after stats to try and have an educated bet at who has a decent crack at winning the Brownlow. […]
The Facebook Dislike Button
According to Business Insider Mark Zuckerberg has announced Facebook has a dislike button is in the works.From the articles I have already read on the issue the initial concern seems to be that the dislike button will promote cyber bullying and make Facebook a more negative space to be in.While this might have some merit […]
Blog Plans: Part 1
The challenge I have set myself of putting up a new blog post every single day has already brought up some challenges.So what are the plans for the blog that I will be working on?1. Batching ContentThe biggest one is I know there will be some days that will be extremely difficult to produce a […]
Scott Dinsmore – Live Your Legend
This name won’t mean a lot to many of you. In fact to me it is just a name I see in my email inbox regularly because I am subscribed to Scott’s mailing list. But he is also someone who has greatly inspired me along the way.Scott was the founder of Live Your Legend a […]