First off, what a load of shit.
Money is the currency of the world, the things that buy some incredible experiences, get you the places you need to go and buy you the things you want.
I don’t know about you but I would much rather be rich than poor.
People always think you have to be poor to appreciate the little things in life. I can see money changing me as a person, would it change the way I live? Of course it would I would be exploring as many corners of the earth as possible. They say travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer. Sounds like a good investment to me.
I can never understand where this notion came from that money can’t buy you happiness. I look at the happiest times of my life and it was working in a Summer Camp in America. I didn’t just magically get over there for free, I had to save up for the flights and the travel afterwards.
Sometimes I feel like the people that say money can’t buy you happiness are trying to convince themselves of this and feel like that are living a more ‘in touch’ life without having money. Or they don’t have the self-discipline to spend it wisely and can only see money as destroying their life in the long run.
I don’t know about you but if I had a huge amount of money and didn’t have to spend 38 hours of my week inside an office I would be a lot happier. I think a lot of people out there could find much better ways to spend their time than spending it at work.
In fact sometimes I get caught in a day dream at working thinking about what I could be doing if I wasn’t stuck in that office.
Tonight was the $70 million powerball draw, and I have just seen that 3 people won. That’s 3 lives changed right there. But with that type of money come huge responsibility. That type of money definitely does have the potential to make you much happier. But it also had the ability to alienate you and make you miserable.
Ultimately money is going to affect you in the way you let it affect you. Don’t go listening to some philosophy about money can’t make you happy. It’s like telling someone don’t get a rebiks cube because it will only frustrate you and you will never be able to solve it. The rubiks cube is a massive stress relief for me and I am in the small percentage of people who can actually solve it. It just goes to show your mind set determines the outcome.
If you won the lottery tonight I hope it makes you the happiest person on this planet. Go out and enjoy it!
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