Garmin Australia Facebook Fitness Challenge – Laser Focus.Since I bought my Garmin watch and joining their Facebook community I have no doubt in my mind that leaving the FitBit that I had to replace every 3 months behind was the right thing to do.What makes Garmin’s Facebook community so great?They give you weekly, sometimes daily […]
Do More Of The Things You Enjoy
In our jobs we all have aspects of that job that we love and would love to do more of but majority of the time it is the tedious annoying tasks that we don’t want to do that we get tied up with.The secret is to find the parts of your job you love doing […]
Spend The Hours Of Your Day The Way You Want
I have been touching on this subject for the last 2 weeks but I thought I would just tackle it now because it is really starting to irritate me to the point where I have to start making bigger plans and creating deadlines to get out of the current situation I’m in.There is 24 hours […]
Money Can’t Buy You Happiness
First off, what a load of shit.Money is the currency of the world, the things that buy some incredible experiences, get you the places you need to go and buy you the things you want.I don’t know about you but I would much rather be rich than poor.People always think you have to be poor […]
Kaizen is a word that took meaning in my life when I read it for the first time. The first time I read it was on a Bob Parsons poster titled 16 rules for success and number 7 highlighted Kaizen which is a Japanese word that means; small daily improvements eventually result in huge advantages.I […]
Helping Others Out
The little things in life are often the most important and the things I remember the most. Whether it was a small gesture of kindness or someone giving up there time to help me out when I needed it. I never forget those things and I go out of my way to return the favour.All […]
Working With Goals In Mind
Working with a goal in mind gives everything more meaning and makes your work more valuable. The goals can vary from a deadline to wanting achieve a desired outcome.I find this exceptionally true when you are working in stressful environment and there is no end in sight and no goal to be achieved the stress […]
When Your Small Projects Get Noticed
So this blog started off as a way to improve my writing and just getting into a routine of writing regularly and I have been happy with how it has progressed.But something I wasn’t expecting happened the other day. I started getting backlinks from other blogs who had been reading the blogs. For those who […]
Stay Organised
Add Media Sometimes you are sitting down watching a movie at night and you get a call from one of your best mates on the house phone saying where are you?At first I didn’t know what he was talking about. I got a message from him about a month ago with some provisional plans but […]
Back To The Basics
All of us have had something in our lives that started off as being fun and enjoyable until it started getting more serious, competition increased, demands and expectations were growing and eventually you start to lose the passion you once had for that activity you loved.Let’s take basketball for example, it is a team game […]