Working with a goal in mind gives everything more meaning and makes your work more valuable. The goals can vary from a deadline to wanting achieve a desired outcome.
I find this exceptionally true when you are working in stressful environment and there is no end in sight and no goal to be achieved the stress just compounds and gets worse.
I had a moment like this at work and I decided to book a holiday to America and go back to my second home aka Summer Camp for a week. As soon as I booked that trip it made work more bearable in terms of dealing with the stress of people constantly changing their minds about what needed to get done.
Having a deadline for when I could escape from that situation made it much easy to think clearly and operate effectively. It is when you are stuck in those situations and you see absolutely no end in sight where it really starts to affect you. You should take that as a tell-tail sign that you need to do something to change your situation asap.
Looking at deadlines from a different perspective I was the typically College student who did minimal preparation on my assignments throughout the semester and went on an assignment binge a week before they were due to smash them all out.
Funnily enough I work better under these situations, it creates a sense of urgency and narrows your focus when you have no other option to get this done or suffer the consequences of repeating that subject next year which I knew was absolutely not an option for me.
I would never put myself in a position where my own laziness meant committing another whole year to study.
This week has been more narrowly focused. I have been working towards putting the finishing small touches on my new digital marketing services as well as getting out Enter Comps with the new articles up and lead capture.
It is all starting to come together, I have been utilizing my whiteboard a lot, everything that needs to be done is always written on there and it is the first thing I see every morning.
If you are working on something or somewhere aimlessly it is time to give your work purpose or create a project you can work on and give that purpose. There is nothing worse than feeling you are not getting any closer to any of your goals and all I can say is if you aren’t getting any closer to any of your goals then you only have yourself to blame.
Set those goals, work hard, and good luck.
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